June 10

Happy Monday. “Weary of an ordinary existence? The cure for the common life begins and ends with God.” –Max Lucado

As I awoke the other morning at my usual time, getting into a usual routine, it seemed normal.

After breakfast, I went to the living room to open the shutters and a beautiful bougainvillea bush, full of fuchsia blooms, caught my eye.medium_129170913

The beauty overwhelmed me—and then—I saw hopping around the bush a couple of red birds. Actually, only one was a bright red (the male); the other was a mousy bright with touches of red (female—is that fair?).

For a few moments I drank in the scene and my ordinary day took on a new “hue.” God had shown Himself.

I read this quote recently: “To see God in everything makes life the greatest adventure there is.”

The rest of that day became anything but normal as I not only looked but saw the beauty all around. How much we miss, even God Himself.

1 Timothy 6:17 tells us that God gives us all things to enjoy.

Yes, we have made a mess of the garden over which we are to have dominion. Listening to the evening news or reading the headlines tells us this.

George Bernard Shaw once said, “If other planets are inhabited, surely they use earth as their insane asylum.”

What an awful thought!

In Psalms 8, King David exclaims that as he considers the work of God’s fingers, the moon and the stars, the animals, birds of the air, fish of the sea, why would God be mindful of man?

But since we are His final, greatest creation, He is ever mindful of us!

To see God in the beauty that is still in our “garden” is to realize the majesty and goodness of our Creator who deserves our praise—every day.

Life can really become an adventure daily.

May you see red birds.


24 thoughts on “June 10

  1. Thanks for the thought! God’s beauty in nature is amazing. I don’t even need the redbirds- the bougainvillea is one of my favorite flowers! Here in Brazil it is called “primavera”-or “spring”.


  2. Whenever I see two redbirds together;; one the male and one the female, I think of how God has made the man the more beautiful because he was to be in front of the wife. He was to be made to look good in the eyes who looked on. It’s not that he being in front made her his inferior, but that she chose to put him there. Maybe this doesn’t apply, but I think this every time I see them together. I wonder if they have certain habits with each other as well. Love God’s creation. 🙂


  3. Hello to you Mrs Hyles! I just got home from work and read your post for Monday and now am ready for a good night sleep. Thank you for such beautiful reminders of God’s goodness. 🙂


  4. Thank you friend, as usual. Just got in from a walk before I read this and was looking at all of the wonders we have right in front of our face. God is so wonderful and keeps giving His love unconditionally.


  5. Redbirds are one of God’s “I love you’s” to me! I loved the comment, “May you see redbirds”!!! Thank you for encouraging me on a wet, rainy day here in Canada!


  6. I love your insight! It seems that as I grow older, I forget more things than I remember! It is wonderful to be reminded how much beauty God has provided for us. Thank you! May your week be wonderful!


  7. Thank you so much for this. I am benefiting greatly from your weekly reminders of Him! I can’t tell you how special it is to me to hear from Mrs. Hyles every Monday. You are, as always, a wonderful blessing!


  8. Thank you, once again, Mrs. Hyles…God used YOU …again…to be a true blessing to me, very personally today!  I also LOVE redbirds.  When I see them I think of Mrs. Evans and how she used them to remind us also to bring praises to our Lord.  Today I needed that extra little hug, & God used YOU to provide it!  I am SO THANKFUL & BLESSED to share Mondays with you!  Our God is always so wonderful.  Thank you for your continued willingness & faithfulness to be used of God for His glory!Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone


  9. Thanks so much Mrs. Hyles!!! In the light of your Blog, God gave me Ps.103 this morning, especially emphasising, “Forget not all this benefits” ( or maybe it’s, “Who daily loadeth thee with benefits”?) 🙂 don’t have my Bible handy just now.. anyway, you’re messages are so faithfully, a SWEET reminder of His love for us…THANKS SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! Love you too!! Have a wonderful day!! Sincerely, Jan Bingaman Rom. 8:26-39!!


  10. You made my day as I looked out and saw my own beautiful bougainvillea bush of the same color. No
    birds however. Still it was beautiful and as my service dog Katie and I left for breakfast I could rejoice in the beauty God has surrounded me with. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes since Dick went on to Heaven I feel so alone. Your Monday Morning always blesses and encourages me. Katie is my ears now as I lost my hearing in my mid forties after so many years of working with the deaf I am seriously hearing impaired. Katie and I are a hearing dog team and I am blessed. God bless you and thank you. You are a very precious part of my memories especially in the Holy Land where I still hear you asking. How is Carole doing. Didn’t know I heard you did you. But I always remembered it especially during my surgery a few months later. Have a wonderful day. Our God is so great and He walks with us every step of the way. Right before Dick went on to Glory he used to take my hand and say everything is going to be allright. It is.


  11. Thank you, Mrs Hyles….I look forward to your post every Monday. The older I get, the more I’m aware of the “little blessings” God sends my way. If my eyes are open, I see them everywhere! Praying for you today….


  12. Just Beautiful! What a sweet reminder as I look out my window at the many birdfeeders my hubby hung thiis Spring. My grandgirls and my husband and I enjoy seeing what birds come and go and they bring joy! I also have many beautiful flowers this year and they have flourished …This is our little sanctuary (our front porch) to sit and see His beauty and peace….lv, nancy


  13. I too see redbirds every morning sitting at my computer looking out the window. Thank you for reminding me why they are put there!! God’s love is everywhere if we will only look for it!!


  14. Thank you for Monday post! I throughly enjoy them. I don’t always have time to leave a comment, but I wanted you to know that your blog is always uplifting, encouraging and a blessing to me! I love you, Mrs Hyles!


Welcome. I enjoy hearing from you. Leave a comment, if you would like, and remember to show grace to others with your words. Have a blessed day.