July 8

Happy Monday. “Saying ‘just a friend’ is like saying eternity is ‘just forever’ or that the ocean is ‘just a pond.’” –Jack Hyles

My mind goes to friends today for two reasons. Once, I’m teaching the book of Job in my Sunday School class and the not very good friends who came to “comfort” Job. (with friends like this, who needs enemies?)

Second, every week I think of you, the friends I know, and those I have not yet come to know. But I’m aware that you, like I, need something to start the week.

Ted Engstrom in his book, The Fine Art of Friendship, says he wants us to realize how precious friendship is. “It can’t be bought, borrowed, or manufactured, but must be cultivated like a tender plant.”

We need one another!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 tells “two are better than one…if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow….and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

Isn’t that what is needed in this impersonal world?1206728_relaxing3

Someone has said, “A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

A soldier was asked after being severely wounded, “Did you fall?” to which he replied, “No, my buddies gathered so close to me, I couldn’t fall.”

We should have a desire to be a friend. Look around. Many lonely people in your church, neighborhood, stores where you shop, are crying for someone to notice, to be their friend.

Do you need a friend today? Jesus said in John 15:15, “I call you not servants…but I have called you friends.” Continuing in verse 16 He says, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you…”

With our faults and failures? Yes!

Victor Hugo wrote, “The greatest happiness in life is the conviction we are loved for ourselves, or rather in spite of ourselves.”

“Friendship with Jesus,
Fellowship divine,
Oh, what blessed sweet communion,
Jesus is a friend of mine.”
–J.C. Ludgate

14 thoughts on “July 8

  1. Thank you, Mrs. Hyles!! I can hear you speaking as I read–what a blessing! Like a gift from heaven! love you!!!! Debbie Fleck Num. 6:24-26


  2. I just discovered your blog Mrs Hyles and I am delighted to know that you are well and are still being used of the Lord to share with others. I cannot count the times, the number must be in the thousands by now, in just the last few years, that I have prayed for you and your family. Always loved you, always will. I learned and grew so much at FBC under Brother Hyles’ preaching and help and love.
    Linda Porter


  3. Thanks for this sweet reminder. Today I found a picture of you with my Helen, taken when she was in college I think. Thank you so much for being such a huge influence for good in the life of my girls. We all admire you VERY much!


  4. Dear Mrs. Hyles,
    As always, you present the truth in such a way that we can all apply it to our lives easily. Thanks for being such a good friend. Love you.


  5. Thank you so much, Mrs. Hyles, for sharing your heart and sharing your life! You truly have made a difference in my life over these 28 years of listening, learning from you!! God blessed me when He led us to First Baptist and Hyles- Anderson. Those are fond memories for sure!! Have a blessed week!
    Chris Richter


  6. Thanks. We moved here to Orlando because Ann Marie and Mark live here. He is a dentist and isn’t likely to move. My home is in South Florida. I was born and raised in Miami. When Dick got sick we moved home to Hollywood, FL from Hammond in 1976.
    After Dick died last year I realized with all our travels (work) that I didn’t really know anyone here in Orlando but our daughters. Jesus is a friend that will never leave us. Most of my friends are now in Heaven and those left are not near. The Lord is sending new friends. More importantly I have learned first hand how to reach out and be a friend. Thanks for the blessing of your post this morning. Our precious Lord is using you still in my life. God Bless You. Carole Aldrich


  7. Mrs. Hyles ~ I will be eternally grateful for your friendship these past years and the time the Lord has given us with you at our Fall Ladies Conference!!! I LOVE YOU!!!


Welcome. I enjoy hearing from you. Leave a comment, if you would like, and remember to show grace to others with your words. Have a blessed day.