August 5

Happy Monday. “Exercise thyself rather unto godliness.” 1 Timothy 4:7

As I returned from my walk today in the mall because of the heat, my mind went to five years ago.

After being diagnosed with stage one breast cancer, several procedures done and then a lumpectomy, my doctor told me I would need six weeks of radiation.

He informed me of possible side effects, the most frequent one being fatigue.

Boy, was he right!

He had said the best thing to counteract lack of energy was to take daily walks.

I argued (under my breath), “why would I want to expend energy when I had none?” But of course, he was right. My walked energized me.

I thought about the times I have been spiritually lethargic or just indifferent. (Yes, I’m just like you.)

The question comes, “How’s my walk?”medium_141357725

Is the time in the Bible a so-called “duty” or do I really meet with the God of the universe and hear Him speak?

It isn’t the number of verses or length of time, but a matter of feeling His presence and my heart being touched.

Is my prayer life stagnant, lazy, praying in generalities instead of naming specific needs I’m aware of and by faith believing I’ve been heard?

When these things are in their proper place in my life, I am ready to walk away from my “comfort zone” to a world of hurting people who need encouragement.

It has been said, “The greatest exercise for the heart is to reach down and lift someone up.”

Most doctors today emphasize the need for exercise and nearly all conclude that walking briskly is an excellent way of keeping fit.

If we are to “finish strong” in our race of life, we will have to stay fit. Only as we schedule the time for “spiritual” exercise will we complete our course.

About walking, I used to love Dr. Wendell Evans saying,

“Your walk talks
And your talk talks
But your walk talks louder
Than your talk talks.”

16 thoughts on “August 5

  1. I laughed when I saw the opening sentence. You see my husband and I just started and exercise program, so it’s really been on my mind. Great comparison. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Dear Mrs. Hyles,
    Thank you for your faithfulness and thank you for your thoughts today. It was a great help and encouragement to me. Love you! Diane


  3. I love you. I really enjoyed your post. You are such a blessing. Thank you for continuing to allow God to use you to bring glory to Him. Your friend and sister in Christ.


  4. I too was diagnosed with breast cancer ( stage 2b) a year ago. I know I could not have made it without my daily walks with the Lord. Seems so long ago since being at HAC as my husband was getting his degree. Learned so much from you then, and I’m so glad I get to continue to learn from you now. Love you to Heaven and back!


  5. Dear Mrs. Hyles,
    You have always been such a wonderful example of a Christian woman and you continue to be a blessing! Thank you for your faithfulness!


Welcome. I enjoy hearing from you. Leave a comment, if you would like, and remember to show grace to others with your words. Have a blessed day.