December 16, 2013

Happy Monday. “Its’ the most wonderful time of the year.”

So sings Andy Williams on a CD I play at this season.

But the question comes, “Is it really?” Except for a few dire circumstances, it can be.

Let’s celebrate the most wonderful event in history by choosing! Look at this acrostic:

Choose to live each moment with joy. Life has happened, children grown, loved ones moved away, illnesses. But God said to the Israelites, “Choose life,” Deuteronomy 30:14, and “In thy presence is fulness of joy.” Psalms 16:11. Go to Him!

Enjoy. What? A heated home (right now I’m sitting in front of my fireplace, toasty), food, friends, another day! So some things aren’t enjoyable? A quote says, “Happy is he who bears what he cannot change.”

Love. They neighbors, everyone!
“Just to love, that’s enough;
Being loved, that’s a bonus.”
–Dr. Jack Hyles
“The ones who disappoint you most need you most.” –Dr. Hyles

Express gratitude. Give thanks now! Whatever circumstances are yours. Think back! “Gratitude is the memory of the heart.” –Apples of Gold
Write a note! Make a call! Tell someone how special they are.

Bury yesterday’s hurts—do away with unforgiveness, bitterness, a need for getting even. Let go of what might have been and think of what you can still do.

Rightly relate to the One whose story we celebrate. Read His love letter, spend time talking and listening to Him.medium_6367567455

Ask the Holy Spirit to manifest his fruit in you in the hectic, busy days. A calm can prevail.

Think happy, constructive thoughts. Good days and not so good days are most often preceded by a thought. “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

Expect to have a happy Christmas because you choose to make it so. The songs of the angels on that first Christmas spoke of joy, peace, good will. We can let those words ring in our hearts.

Remember, “It’s a wonderful life.” Why? Because Jesus became one of us. He truly understands!

11 thoughts on “December 16, 2013

  1. The suggestion containing the Holy Spirit is my favorite. We can’t do any part of this list without Him and the Power of our God!!!! ♫♪ Let us go in the strength of the Lord!! ♪♫


  2. so encouraging for me today-thank you for spending your time preparing this to give to us to read-a very valuable pause in such a busy time as this-always encouraged by the perspectives the Lord has given u-God bless-Merry Christmas:)


  3. Dear Mrs. Hyles, Thanks for always being so gracious and giving. May your Christmas be most blessed. (And eat lots of chocolate.) I love you. Debby


  4. Thank you Mrs.Hyles for Monday with Beverly. Your took such simple words and made them jump off the page full of truth and wisdom. The Gray family loves you dearly. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Love ya. Mrs. Lee Ann Gray


  5. Thank you Mrs. Hyles for this sweet reminder of the many ways we can, “Celebrate Christmas.” It is truly a wonderful time of the year. I love you!!


Welcome. I enjoy hearing from you. Leave a comment, if you would like, and remember to show grace to others with your words. Have a blessed day.