September 1, 2014

Happy Monday.

If September is here, can the cool, crisp days of autumn be far behind?

Fall is a season of reflection to me. It seems as another year is winding down, I tend to contemplate what has been accomplished–or not! But there is still time to quit procrastinating or to step up to “mending fences” if needed.

This was brought to mind last week.

I received a letter!

Not just any old letter, mind you, but fifty years in coming; a letter asking forgiveness.

Since forgiveness on this end had been given many years ago, I had to really think back on the situation that occurred.

A deep, public hurt had taken place, which probably wasn’t handled as wisely or tactfully as could have been on our part.

Those years ago when the perpetrator of the hurt was asked if a public apology could be made for lack of “gentleness,” the answer came. No! No forgiveness.

Fifty years later a request for our forgiveness came from a leader.

Blessings are strange and wonderful things. They are unpredictable and unexpected. But I felt like God gave me an overdue hug.

Two reasons I was so blessed.

One, because we are each one frail, fallible creatures, we are quick to blame, never quick to forgive or forget. Even fifty years past is a good time to put the past where it belongs.

Second, there is no real peaceable way to go forward without resolution of hurts, bitterness. And I believe the one who wrote can now really progress.

I always like to quote Corrie Ten Boom, as she had years of inhumane treatment, and yet learned to let go of the muck and mire of medium_3080237878 (1)bitterness.

She says, “Forgiveness is the key which unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hatred. It breaks the chains and shackles of selfishness.”

A challenge for us could be that if there exists even one person, alive or dead, against whom we are unforgiving, have a funeral!

It won’t change the past but can change the future.

Maybe a letter is needed?

7 thoughts on “September 1, 2014

  1. We were at the college the second year of it’s existence. We were not children, as a matter of fact ,we had 5 children of our own, and one thing I remember most, was when you spoke , you always had the kindest words. Even when you had to scold the wives a little, there was always love in your words. You are such a wonderful example of a true Christian lady. Thank you from my heart!


  2. Thank you Mrs. Hyles. I love how you said God gave me an overdue hug. Thanks for reminding us to forgive no matter what or how long it takes for the other too. It is worth it being in the ministry! I love and pray for you every morning!
    Melissa Ellis Gonzalez


  3. Mrs. Hyles, what a wonderful thought….we really need to learn to forgive, even when it is hard or even when the one who wronged us doesn’t want to accept our forgiveness. I’m so glad that you were sent that letter. God bless you and give you a wonderful week. Love you and appreciate you, Joyce


  4. Oh Mrs. Hyles, what a wonderful statement you made, “GOD GAVE ME AN OVERDUE HUG.” God finds so many ways to say I love you to His children. What a blessing for the writer of the letter to have a weight lifted off their soul. Serving God is the most wonderful thing we can do. God bless, love you and have a great day. Love ya: Mrs. Lee Ann Gray


Welcome. I enjoy hearing from you. Leave a comment, if you would like, and remember to show grace to others with your words. Have a blessed day.