February 23, 2015

Happy Monday and Happy March.

I have a song in my head today. It’s a silly one from several years ago. Maybe you remember it. It’s “Don’t Worry Be Happy.”

When I think about it, I smile or even laugh.

In my lifetime, I don’t remember a time when the world seems to not have much to laugh about.

However, we don’t have to get down in the dumps as Christians, because we are promised that God will lift us, set our feet on a solid rock, and give us a new song, even praise to our God. (Psalm 40: 2, 3)

And we are told many shall see it.

See? A song?

I know of people in my acquaintance today who have no real reason to sing, yet I see their song.

The late Bill Bright said, “The sermon of your life in tough times ministers to people more powerfully than the most eloquent speaker.”

And so does your “song.”

I found this list recently of the musical scale. Maybe some of these nuggets will help us to make music in our lives today.2312176546_b2ee854a1f

DO:  do count your blessings before your cares.

RE:  radiate a joyful spirit, like laughter–it’s infectious.

MI:  meet our kindness, understanding, and forgiveness generously.

FA:  far-reaching are the benefits of right thinking. You become like you habitually think.

SO:  sow seeds of love, friendship, empathy, and helpfulness.

LA:  laugh at yourself now and then. You will be less apt to be at war with you.

TI:  teach yourself to appreciate the wonders of nature, the gift of life itself.

DO: do not expect someone else to open the door of happiness for you. You must do it; it’s a choice.

I think I need to use all of these suggestions daily, do you?

Peter wrote to the church in the light of the coming of Christ, “Casting all your care upon Him; for he careth for you.” 1 Peter 5: 7.

Surely we are nearer to that event today, so good advice for us as the world gets darker.

Another way to say it?

Don’t worry! Be happy!

13 thoughts on “February 23, 2015

  1. Dear Mrs Hyles,

    Blessings! I have so enjoyed this post. I need to write it down, the scale, and practice it every day! Thanks so much for the gift of correspondence recently…I will cherish it, always! Please, do continue to pray for our family? In specific, that God will give us wisdom to raise our children for His glory. That they will have a burden for lost souls, and follow the Lord’s divine leading in their lives? We appreciate the fact that when we couple with others in prayer, the most amazing things happen! We also know that satan is hard at work, and so wish to do all we can to shun him. His ways are so subtle, and so it is urgent that we stay in God’s word, prayer, and last but not least, PRAISE!
    Love you,
    Mrs Linda Rogers


  2. I always enjoy reading your thoughts even if I don’t always post a comment. I love hearing from you and the wisdom God has given you each Monday!

    Love, Helen


  3. One of my favorite people in my life was Mrs. Stevens who helped encourage me during my 4 years at Hyles Anderson, 1972 to 1976. I graduated, took my family to Seattle and started a church. We were very successful for a while, but as things go on this earth, it went. Not long ago two older men showed up at my home towering over me as they showered me with hugs and thanks. They were from my teenage Sunday school, now a radio dj and a retired FBI agent. Success isn’t really measured in big quantities and loud applause, but loving prayer from Mrs.Stevens and encouragement from your sweet southern accent across the punch bowl table. Thank you Mrs. Hyles.


  4. Mrs. Hyles your post reminded me of what an old friend from HAC used to say about worrying. “Worry is like a rocking chair, it keeps you busy, but gets you nowhere.” I can definitely use these Do-Re-Mi suggestions, as I tend to worry too much. 😦 Thanks for sharing your thoughts and as always it is most beneficial. I love you!!


  5. So being happy is so much more pleasant than worrying! Worrying really does not change any situation, so why do it? Singing is a balm I use often….listening to songs and just conversing with The Lord! Thank you for this post and we all need not worry, just be happy in The Lord!


  6. Mrs. Hyles, I love this post!!!! Anything that has to do with music, I love! The musical scale analogy was something I have never seen and was just so good. I know that at times, I struggle with having that song in my heart. These past 2 years have been a real challenge for me and I am trying everyday to have that new song. Thank you for reminding me that we can have that song no matter what!!!! Love you very much and appreciate your love for the Lord and your faithfulness. Joyce


  7. Hello Mrs. Hyles,
    I just received my first email announcing your Monday morning thoughts. I spent quite a bit of time on the weekend reading through the archives and the various comments. I was blessed by the content of both. Thank you Mrs. Hyles for taking the time to share on Monday mornings. I am already ‘happier’ today and motivated to be a better beacon for Christ in a darkening world.
    Reet Arbo


  8. Good morning Mrs. Hyles. I remember that song very well. It did make me smile and even laugh out loud each time I heard it. I did find however that when I was driving and it came on the radio I tended to drive faster. Had to learn to watch that. I am the typical the little old lady from Pasadena where my driving is concerned and always have been. So driving fast is just not me. I go the speed limit. Do you know anyone who sets the cruise control when driving around town? Well I do, my Husband thinks I am crazy, but I never speed around town. Boy do I digress, sorry about that. The scale you included in your article is wonderful. Each one is food for thought and putting them altogether one cannot miss. Being human we will miss one or more, but we will have the others to fall back on, when old whats his name creep up and whispers in our ear, ‘WHY TRY?” My answer is “WHY NOT TRY?”, it couldn’t hurt and only help each of my days grow brighter in this, as you say Mrs. Hyles, darkening world. Thank you for being a lighthouse we can all look to. God bless, take care and love ya lots. Mrs. Lee Ann Gray


  9. What a great word today on being “happy”. While we cannot control what is going on around us, we CAN control how we deal with it and WHO we cast our cares upon.

    Thank you for your “happy” posting today!


    • Thank you, Mrs. Hyles, for this reminder. Christians should be the happiest people on earth! I love the “Musical Scale.” I copied it down and will probably use it for ladies’ devotional sometime. We love you and continue to pray for you and your family.


Welcome. I enjoy hearing from you. Leave a comment, if you would like, and remember to show grace to others with your words. Have a blessed day.