April 27, 2015

We have been having spring storms recently. Maybe you have also.

But as the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers.”medium_2371785422

Do the stormy times in life work that way? It seems I am learning each day of tests and trials in friends’ lives. Loss of a spouse, death of a child, illnesses, brain cancer, and on and on.

I guess it makes us think of that age-old question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”

Oscar Wilde said this, “What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.”

That is not easy to think about when the “storm” is raging around you. Instead we like to ask, “Can this go away?”

I thought of the old, familiar story of the woman who complained, “God, you have given me too big of a cross. May I exchange it for a smaller one?”

She was taken to a room where everyone’s cross lay.

She tried several.

Some were too tall, another too heavy, one too rough.

She found a small, insignificant cross, just the perfect weight, which she knew was the best choice for her.

When God saw her carrying it, He said, “That’s the cross you carried in.”

The lesson being, everyone has personal trials and tests…Remember, they are made just for you.

Victor Hugo stated, “Sorrow is a fruit. God does not make it grow on limbs too weak to bear it.”

There was quite a storm here last night, lightening, strong rains, and wind. Today, in the bright sunshine, the grass is greener, the trees beautiful. Truly, as my husband would say, “I saw God wash the world last night,” and it is a spectacular day!

In the little book of Nahum, chapter one, verse three, it says, “The Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.” A few verses later it says, “He is a strong hold in the day of trouble.”

Can we trust that He has His way in our storms? Yes!

A good thing to always remember is that there has never been a storm that didn’t end!

“May God give you–
for every storm a rainbow,
for every tear, a smile,
for every care, a promise,
and a blessing in each trial.”
–Irish proverb

13 thoughts on “April 27, 2015

  1. My Mom’s life verse….and she is such an awesome Christian! Both of you are my HEROES! Thank you Mrs. Hyles! Happy Mother’s Day!


  2. TDear Mrs. Hyles,
    Thank you so much for doing this. Your thoughts and your wisdom are truly from our Lord and Master. If you have the time could you please pray for my wife and I? We really need a lot of prayer.


  3. Thank you for this devotional, Mrs. Hyles. Since losing my husband in March, I have felt like the weight is too heavy for me to bear, but what you said is true. God would not give me a weight too heavy for me to carry. It has made me learn to depend more on the Lord, and desire to know what His will for me now will be. Thank you again for your encouraging devotions. May god bless you always!


  4. Dear Mrs Hyles,
    Again, another timely bit to help me along the way as a wife and 50-something Mom of two children under the age of 15! I sure do need the assurance that when I struggle, “this too, shall pass…” Thank you so very much. Please, will you pray again for Jack and Charity? We are begging God to use their lives, and trying to walk in His light so that our kids have an example to follow. On some days I feel like a complete failure, but I know that HE is able!
    Your Friend,
    Linda G Rogers


  5. Mrs. Hyles, thank you so much for your encouraging words!! I look forward to reading your blog every Monday!! I love you and appreciate the influence you have had in my life!!


  6. Thank you for your timely words on storms.

    My wife and I are in Ohio saying goodbye to her mom for the last time.

    I will pass your words on to my wife.


  7. Wow, thank you Mrs Hyles, for these wonderful thoughts of encouragement, and for your partnership with Dr. Hyles for all those wonderful years of sacrifice and service. Thank you also for your dear son that continues to be a blessing to so many needy hearts. So very many love you dearly. God Bless You!


  8. Amen!!!! Thanks so very much for this post. It was such a blessing to me.— A good thing to always remember is that there has never been a storm that didn’t end! AMEN!!! I needed to hear that today. :)))) God is so very Good–All the time. May God Bless You Always!!!


Welcome. I enjoy hearing from you. Leave a comment, if you would like, and remember to show grace to others with your words. Have a blessed day.