April 8

Happy Monday. “This is the day the Lord hath made…” Rejoice, be glad.

Recently, I had one of those early wake-up mornings (before 4 a.m.). I sensed a heaviness in my spirit. I talked to the Lord, tried to go back to sleep, but to no avail.

I gave in to getting up, getting into my morning routine, which included some time in the word, but still felt the uneasiness. A story my daughter Becky sent me a few days ago came to my mind.

A college professor stood before his class, holding up a full glass of water.waterglass

“How much does this weigh?” he asked.

A few ventured an answer, “several grams,” etc.

As he continued to hold up the glass for half an hour he asked, “Now how much does it weigh?”

The answer came, “Hasn’t changed. But your arm may be tired.”

The class went on doing classwork as the professor continued holding the glass for another hour.

“What would happen if I continued to hold the glass up?” he asked.

“Maybe your arm or shoulder would ache or become numb.”

He asked, “What can I do?”

With one accord the students exclaimed, “Put the glass down.”

My heaviness had been caused by a “glass” full of care that day. It didn’t matter what size it was or what it weighed, but that I was holding onto it.

Not only was I being foolish and non-productive, but disobedient to God’s word, which says, “Casting all your care upon him for he careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

This verse is a jewel in a chapter about the Christian life. Holding on to care chokes the Word in our life, according to the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:22.

Choking the Word in our life makes us defenseless against our adversary. After the admonition to “Cast our care,” we are given some definite instructions.

  1.    Be sober, self-controlled, knowing who the enemy of our soul is (not people by the way).
  2.    Be watchful—he is sneaky and dangerous.
  3.    Resist him. He can look inviting.

After I laid down my care that morning, I realized it had been an open door through which Satan wanted to enter and “set up shop.”

Instead, I chose Philippians 4:8 thoughts—true, honest, just, pure, lovely, things of good report. Yielding to the Holy Spirit brought “love, joy, peace…”

Oh, that I could remember that it is always a choice to hold on to care or to “let it go.”

By the way, that day became one of my best.

Won’t you put the glass down?

26 thoughts on “April 8

  1. Dear Mrs. Hyles,
    Thank you for your words os wisdom. I appreciate how special you always made my mom (Mary Moyer) feel. She is Heaven now.
    With a grateful heart,


  2. Thank you, once again, Mrs. Hyles, for your inspiration and wisdom. You continue to uplift others with this new devotional. I needed this one! Love you! ~Deb


  3. Hi Mrs. Hyles, I have been blessed with your wisdom, thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart to all of us. I was one of your Hylander Wives leaders and I can tell you those times were my favorites. I love you. keep writing.


  4. Thank you for your encouraging thoughts. They were exactly what I needed to read today. With Love, Virginia Harris (Welland, Ontario, Canada)


  5. DEAR Mrs. Hyles…Thank you SO MUCH for your caring and sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you too! Have a wonderful day with Jesus!!! P.S. wanted to say how much your songs and singing are still such an inspiration and blessing!!! At a couple of unbelievably difficult times in my life you were there via a cassette tape and then again in more recent yrs. via a CD of “Some of Our Favorites” ……….thank you, thank you, thank you for helping The Lord put a song and hope in our hearts!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. Thank you Mrs.Hyles for ur words they are so encouraging to me GOD is so awesome how he knows exactly what to put in ur way so u can help others n people like me that u don’t even know thank you


  7. What an encouragement! Thank you for sharing this story. Sometimes I forget I am not the alone in holding the glass of worry. It is such a blessing to be able to share in these Monday thoughts.


  8. Thank you for your thoughts today! I agree much with what you have stated. So many times in life we continue to “hold the glass” . God is Sovereign and what a wonderful shepherd He is. So we do need to give our “burdens” to Him!! 🙂


  9. I so needed that this morning! Thank you for still encouraging us and being used of God to be a blessing to a missionary’s wife here in London, Ontario, Canada. I love you and pray for you often! -Tanya Powless


  10. Wonderful words this morning Mrs. Hyles! Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us all.

    I love you!



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