February 3, 2014

Happy Monday. Did your team win?

Our attention has been on the Super Bowl, whether we really were interested or not.

Super Bowl parties have been planned, much hoop-la going on.

Two teams made up of the best in football have trained, worked, coveted the “title.”

And then there are the Olympics.

Young people who have given their lives to train for a special event to gain a gold medal.

It is admirable that they want to represent their country in the finest way.

However, let’s not become too enamored of some ordinary human beings and forget, they made the best of what they were given.

We, as God’s children, have the opportunity also to “go for the gold.” Yes, you.medium_5862034491a

I laugh when I read the account in Judges 6:13 when God came to Gideon to call him as a leader of the Israelites.

The angel addressed him, “The Lord is with thee thou mighty man of valour.”

I can see Gideon looking around to see who was being called.

Then he began his argument.

“I am from a poor family.”

“I am the least in the family.”

Then he went on to say, “If you mean me, then prove it.” And God did. 

As I think of the group of Jesus’ closest followers on earth, they were a motley group. One couldn’t keep his foot out of his mouth.

But, oh, what they became–super heroes of the faith.

I’m so glad Jesus said, through Paul, “the foolishness of God is wiser than men.” 1 Corinthians 1:25

A song written by Danniebelle Hall says:

“Just ordinary people,
God uses ordinary people–
He chooses people just like me and you
Who are willing to do as He commands.
God uses people that will give Him all
No matter how small your all may seem to you
Because little becomes much
As you place it in the Master’s hand.”

Let’s go for the gold.

11 thoughts on “February 3, 2014

  1. Always so up-to-date and yet always full of ageless wisdom as you write. I love it! That song (Ordinary People) was popular and I remember singing it in church when I was a teenager! It’s still true today also. Thanks for reminding us of the important things of life.


  2. Your Monday with Beverly makes me think of the song, “Little Is Much When God Is In It!” I was born in Kalamazoo Michigan some may have heard of it, and no it is not just the title of a song! Raised in the village of Augusta Michigan. To this day it is still a village 14 miles east of Kalamazoo on M-96. Unless you are from there you probably have never heard of Augusta. It still has a volunteer fire department, no traffic light and etc. If I could use what the Lord gave me to serve Him than anyone can serve Him and make a difference. Thanks for this Monday with Beverly it brought back fond memories of growing up in Augusta. Thank you again Mrs. Hyles and love ya lots. Mrs. Lee Ann Gray


  3. Mrs Hyles, Although I may not always comment on your post, I read them weekly and have gleaned so much form your thoughts. In March I will have been a Pastors wife for 1 year and when I heard you were starting blog I was excited! Thank you!

    I enjoyed your post for today, thank you!!


  4. I just started following your blog a 2 weeks ago and they are always an encouragement especially on a Monday morning. I grew up at FBC under Bro. Hyles’ ministry and always admired you Mrs. Hyles. Thank you for your un-known influence in my life. Love you dearly!


Welcome. I enjoy hearing from you. Leave a comment, if you would like, and remember to show grace to others with your words. Have a blessed day.