April 21, 2014

Happy Monday. I hope you had a blessed Easter.

Mine was sweet as I had some of my children and grandchildren sitting at my lunch table.

This season seems to be unusually full of talk about Christianity, Heaven, etc. on TV and elsewhere, a good thing for sure.

Because I taught a lesson Sunday on the trial, crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, my mind has been consumed also with the old, yet ever new story.

Two things in particular have captured me.

First, as I read how Jesus had the last supper with twelve of His closest followers, washed their feet, took them to the sacred place of prayer in Gethsemane, I see myself.

When they should have been fervent in prayer, they slept, they failed.

Ultimately, “they all forsook him and fled.” Mark 14:30medium_8121460048

Second, I find it is so hard to realize that in Jesus’ hardest time of six hours on the cross until He gave up His spirit, the Father turned His back on Jesus. Mark 15:34

He truly made the magnificent sacrifice–alone!

So that we never have to be alone! Ever! And our past is pardoned and our future secure in knowing Jesus.

And because of Easter, the resurrection, we have an eternal hope.

As Max Lucado pictures it:

“Someday God will wipe away your tears.
The hands that stretched the heavens will touch your cheeks.
The hands that circled in agony as the Roman spike cut through
Will someday cup your face and brush away your tears.


8 thoughts on “April 21, 2014

  1. Dear Mrs. Hyles, As ALWAYS, your talk gives such encouragement and inspiration!!!! Thank you so much for your caring and sharing!!! I especially like that quote by Max Lucado too!! I have frequently used it in notes to others too!! It soooo depicts our Gracious, loving God!!!! 🙂 I love you too!!!! & thank you so much for pressing on for your followers!!! 🙂 Take care!!! We need you!!!! 🙂 love, Jan Romans 8:26-39


  2. “How marvelous! How wonderful! Is my Savior’s love for me!” May we never take His love for granted. Thanks for sharing your heart with us every Monday! I love you!


  3. Sometimes there is a risk of neglecting such details as regarding to Christ’s sacrifice due to the story being so familiar. It is a blessing to be reminded of it even in what seems to be a very simple manner… thank you Mrs. Hyles.


  4. I am afraid that sometimes I use the words most associated with Easter such as, cross, crown of thorns, spear and etc. and not really give them much thought. Which is wrong. Jesus gave His all for all. The words you wrote at the end of your Monday With Beverly summed up everything you are teaching us very well. Thank you and love ya. Mrs. Lee Ann Gray


Welcome. I enjoy hearing from you. Leave a comment, if you would like, and remember to show grace to others with your words. Have a blessed day.